Lightning Gorilla

GAME ID - 70680

GAME ID - 70680

Release Date

  • CT - 16/03/2023

Available Versions

  • 70680 - 96.18%

Snapshot Info

  • RTP: 96.18%
  • Reels: 5
  • Lines/Ways: 1024
  • Top Prize: 160,850
  • Min Bet: 0.40
  • Max Bet: 100

Key Features

  • Lightning Respin
  • Jackpots
  • Colossal symbols



Lightning Box’s mighty gorilla is waiting in the jungle with colossal prizes, Jackpots, Lightning Respins, and exciting entertainment. Triggers Lightning Respin to start the Bonus Round with 3 Free Spins and a chance to reset and collect 3 new spins if additional Lightning bolts land. Multiple prizes and Jackpots can be rewarded during the Bonus Round together with the chance to split Colossal symbols to keep the game going.

Lightning Box's Lightning Respins adds another twist to this thrilling game.
Craig Turner, UK Creative Director | Light & Wonder